
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cupcakes!! Yum!

Yesterday I finally made it out to the cupcake shop Paul & I found a few weeks ago. We would have gone right then and there, but it was closed through the holidays & didn't actually open again until yesterday.

I've always wanted to try a gourmet cupcake, so I was really excited. Since it was my first time I thought I'd go simple, Vanilla & Chocolate (sorry no pic of the choc).

The vanilla cupcake I liked a lot, the vanilla flavor was powerful but not overwhelming and the texture made it more yummy!! The chocolate was disappointing though. It's hard to explain why, but I didn't much care for the cake or the icing.

One of the reasons I'm writing about this cupcake experience is because 2011 is going to be my year for cupcakes! Not only am I on the hunt for the best cupcake shop, but I will also be baking a lot of them myself. Mostly I will follow recipes from a cupcake book I have, but soon I plan on creating my own recipes (hopefully).

1 comment:

  1. Oh Molly...what a fantastic idea. I dont know if I ever said on my blog, but I used to work at a cupcake shop. I think that we had over 25 flavors. Cant wait to read about your experiences.


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