
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

They're on their way...I promise!

I really thought I'd have some pictures of the Holy Land up by now, but we ended up spending most of the weekend catching up on sleep. So consequently yesterday was spent doing laundry, cleaning house, grocery shopping, and I finally went to pick up Miss Cookie!

I would have picked her up sooner, but we got home late on Friday, and I knew we'd want time to recover on Saturday, and the shop is closed on Sundays. I really did miss her while we were gone, and the couple days we were home I missed her more. Now some may think this is pretty ridiculous (given that she is a dog), but I got teary-eyed when I picked her up. She was so sweet when I held her, she gave kisses, and just laid on my shoulder like a little baby. We're glad she's home!

Anyhow, back to the pictures. I will be too busy to get them done today & Wednesday, but Thursday is the day I am dedicating to the task!

She was like this the whole way home...

1 comment:

Please keep it clean!!

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